Celebrate what we achieved together this season and recognise the contribution of the outgoing committee, as we see out 2022 and look towards 2023 and beyond.
6.30pm - 8.30pm
Wednesday 23 November 2022
Wembley Lacrosse Club
Cnr Ocean Drive & Ulster Road, Floreat
Nibbles and drinks provided
We invite all Wembley Lacrosse Club members and parents to attend this important annual formality. It’s vital that each of us understand the workings of the club and its future, so that we can come together to make it the best it can be for our community and paying members.
Overview of Committee and Non-Committee Roles
President - As the principal leadership role for the Club, ensure the successful and efficient operation of the club’s activities, and coordination between the committee, members, coaches, players, association bodies, local government and other key stakeholders.
Vice President - Support the President and the Committee, and act for the President as required. Manage or assist with key projects or activities that fall outside the jurisdiction of directors, or as otherwise assigned.
Director of Administration - Ensure the successful performance of all executive administration duties and coordination between the committee, members and various stakeholders for Club (e.g. monthly committee meetings, annual general meeting, formal correspondence).
Director of Finance - Ensure sound financial management and reporting practices are implemented and maintained for the Club, and financial position reported to the Committee and Club.
Director of Men’s - Ensure the successful coordination, management, operation and development of Men’s lacrosse for the Club, including liaison with players, coaches, managers, Committee and association.
Director of Women’s - Ensure the successful coordination, management, operation and development of Women’s lacrosse for the Club, including liaison with players, coaches, managers, Committee and association.
Director of Junior Men’s - Ensure the successful coordination, management, operation and development of Junior Men’s lacrosse for the Club, including liaison with players, coaches, managers, Committee and association.
Director of Junior Women’s - Ensure the successful coordination, management, operation and development of Junior Women’s lacrosse for the Club, including liaison with players, coaches, managers, Committee and association.
Director of Marketing - Ensure the successful development and implementation of marketing and sponsorship activities and grant applications to help support the growth, reputation and sustainability of the Club in both the sport and the local community.
Director of Development - Ensure the successful coordination and delivery of development activities for the Club for the growth and sustainability of the game.
Director of Social - Successfully plan and deliver seasonal social events (season opener, life members, windups, etc) and adhoc social events, with the support of sub-committee volunteers.
General Committee member - As a member of the Club’s committee, to assist the President and other members of the Committee in their duties and/or undertake tasks, as required. Attend monthly Committee meetings and actively participate in discussion and decision making.
Registrar - Coordinate and manage the member registration process and provide database reports as required.
Clubrooms Manager - Coordinate the efficient operation, setup, regular inspection and cleaning, and any adhoc hiring of the clubrooms. Work closely with the Mens and Womens directors, Canteen manager and Bar manager for home game and event planning.
Bar Manager - Ensure the efficient and proper operation of the bar including meeting statutory RSA and manager requirements, staff rostering for home games and events, stock and financial management.
Canteen Manager - Responsible for the efficient operation of the Club's canteen including food preparation, customer service, hygiene practices, volunteer supervision, stock control, and financial management.
Equipment Hire Coordinator - Coordinate the efficient hire and return of player equipment, including monitoring stock levels and liaison with Director of Finance.
Grounds & Maintenance Coordinator - Coordinate the availability and condition of grounds and associated equipment / supplies including line marking, liaison with the Committee and local council.